Wow, I can't wait until this school year is behind me. I will greatly miss my kids, but I am ready for summer. I am also ready for the freaky weather to get back to normal. We had major frost today. My kitchen is a mini greenhouse right now with all of our 2008 flowers and shrubs inside. Who needs Yankee candles?! The fragrance is strong enough.
Okay, "What's Bothering Ali" is up next. Here goes....
1. With our economy the way it is, the recent WIDESPREAD flooding in Iowa, not to mention the prices for fuel and food and the housing market mess, our governor thinks he and other political officials need a raise. I will have to watch the news to see if it passed or not. I don't know why it wouldn't considering that would be like me voting at a school board meeting for teachers to get higher pay. Duh, it is a no
brainer. Of course they are going to vote
yes considering it will give
them more money. This "raise" will make our governor the 12 highest paid governor in the nation. Okay, perhaps if Iowa wasn't going down the
shitter right now it may be warranted within reason. However, I think they could wait a year to pass this. Come on, Iowa isn't the 12
th largest state in the nation population wise. Why do we need to pay our governor more that what he deserves? I would trade his current salary for mine for even a day!
2. The San Jose Sharks are not playing up to their potential in the playoffs. Dallas is kicking their butts all over the ice. They lost AGAIN tonight making them ahead 3-0! One more loss boys and it's curtains. Hockey will be over golf will begin. You didn't win the Pac division championship for nothing guys! Get going!!!!!!!
3. Have I mentioned the weather yet???
4. After taking Tee for a bike ride tonight I parked my bike and the stroller-trailer on the driveway. When Jamie got home we went inside to get ready to go to supper. We looked out the window and what to our wonderful eyes should appear.....not a fat man and 8 tiny reindeer..... JUSTICE EATING TEE'S BICYCLE HELMET! The darn thing is absolutely destroyed. There goes $20 down the drain and the kid only got to wear it for 2 weeks. UUUURRRRGGGGG!!!!! Back to the doggie dilemma I guess.
5. Lastly, Cleaning. Okay, given the fact that my husband is M.I.A. these days due to the wonderful opportunity he is getting with this temporary position, it is harder and harder to find the motivation to clean. My house is a mess. I'm not proud of it. I just don't have the time, or more so the energy, to do it. Tonight we picked it up at least. Well, the downstairs anyway. The garage is in shambles. The kitchen floor is disgusting. The bedrooms are frightful. My "type A" is really kicking in and it is bothering me. I think we are going to finally search out middle and high school babysitters to help me out. I need someone to play with Teegan so I can get stuff done. I also need to search babysitterland due to the fact that I am signed up for Pilates and Boot Camp for the next two months on Monday and Wednesday nights. Urg, that just brings up a whole new battlefield for stress. Who will we find? Will they be good and trustworthy? How much will it cost? Can they drive or walk here so I don't have to pick up and drop off? Welcome to my world. Wanna trade for a day????? :-)
Alrighty. This has been very therapeutic. Thanks for listening! Have a wonderful evening. I need to keep cleaning.