Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's Up?

Okay, I am fooling myself. There is no way I can do this 5K on Saturday morning, let alone a dog walk that afternoon. I went out on my nightly 2-mile stroll. I tried to run off and on and just can't do it. I get this awful pain in my lower left side. It sucks. I want to push through it but it gets worse and worse. Jamie has volunteered to walk-jog with me on Saturday morning now that he doesn't have to work with the state setting up some mobile emergency thing. He may end up taking Glory on the dog walk. I have tried to compile an upbeat iPod playlist. I hope it helps!

I am so tired. Last night we had Pilates class and then did the 2-mile stroll. I was awake all night last night. I had so much adrenalin and endorphins running around my head I couldn't sleep. I have been tired all day too. :-( I also need to go grocery shopping before I go to bed. Oh, and those benchmark tests aren't going to correct themselves, just like the bedroom isn't going to miraculously be clean by morning. UG, I need a personal assistant! The money is great but I can't wait until Jamie becomes a member of our family again in July.

On a funnier note, I gave Tee a bath tonight. He felt the need to eat the bubbles in the tub and got the coolest bubble beard and moustache you have ever seen. He looked like Burl Ives as the snowman in the Rudolph special. I think it is his eyes. I sent the picture to a couple people and they agreed. He loves his bath time. When I ask him to get out he shakes his head and says, "No!" Then he pushes my arms away. We are working on teaching him the word "Yes."

Tomorrow night I have to go to my new school for an open house. All the elementary schools are open for an hour or so. Since we are building a new building and they redistricted the lines, kids are moving all over the place. This will give them the chance to see their new school and meet the possibilities for their teachers next year. I wonder what the turnout will be?? The nice thing is that I will be able to walk to my destination!!

Well kids, I need to cut this short and start checking benchmark assessments. I won't even tell you how many I have to do. :-( Again, personal assistant?!?!?!


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