Okay, After spending the afternoon working on misc. house projects I have an idea. Well, it is that, an "idea" because it will never occur.
Anyway, here it is. I need to hire the following people....
1. Cleaning Lady (Self Explanatory)
2. Roof Repair (Our garage is leaking again)
3. Home Organizer (The more I try to work on the kitchen and the garage, the more messed up they seem!)
4. Nanny!!! (Maybe I could fulfill a lot of these jobs if I didn't have a toddler "helping" me all day!!!!!
5. Chef (Teegan is once again eating chicken nuggets and I am working on a weight watchers meal.)
6. Bulletin Board and / or Classroom Decorator (I am dreading even thinking about this and it is coming up quickly.)
7. Personal Stylist (Okay, my wight is yo-yoing. I am back into some of my older clothes. That is COMPLETELY okay, but I feel like I need a style boost.)
8. Lottery Ticket Broker (The ONLY way 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7 will ever happen!)
What jobs would boost your daily life this week????????? Feel free to leave a comment.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Blah Sunday
Blah... it's Sunday. Jamie's at work and Tee is in rare form. He has been up since 4 a.m. I'm not sure what his deal is but this isn't the first night it has happened over the past week. I can put him in his crib and he just plays or cries. I just want him to sleep. He has to be tired. I know I am. So, we are here until tomorrow morning all by ourselves. Woohoo. I guess I will try and find something to occupy my boredom. Organizing the garage and or kitchen is high on my list. Our bedroom needs major attention as well. If the wee one would fall asleep I would feel more comfortable going down and starting those projects. Time will tell.
This week I will be working at the school entering data for our new information management system. That will be fun. Jamie is going to stay home with Tee so I can work. I hope he has fun with that. For so long it has been the other way around. Now he gets the chance to relax and bond with Tee. Since there is less than 3 weeks until I report back to work, I have a lot to get done in my own classroom as well. Jamie and Tee will have many days in the future where they will have to be pals.
Well, have a happy Sunday. I will post later about my progress. The day after we finalized our adoption the whole family went to the zoo. We also went to Build-A-Bear to make a new bear. Here are some pics of our day. Speaking of the zoo trip I found the stupidest person living in our area the other day.
Okay picture it.... we are driving around the zoo parking lot looking for a space to part. In the row with the open spot we see a big, black GMC Denali with tricked out rims and the whole nine yards. They have a saying imprinted on the back window. It said, and I kid you not...
"Enjoying high gas prices...... Thank an environmentalist!"
Excuse me? What? I was dumbfounded. I understand that drilling four our own oil would help, but it is not going to solve a thing when you have millions of idiots like this guy driving vehicles that waste gas! I am absolutely amazed at this jerk. Here he is driving this huge SUV, with plates stating that he lives in the metro area, and he has the idea that it is an environmentalist's fault. Okay dip-stick, which name I feel is being nice, how is it their fault when you drive a gas guzzling machine just to look good? Man some people are stupid. I guess if you have the money to drive such a tricked out machine you have the money to pay for the gas! Quit complaining!!!!!
After we started leaving that person did as well. I wanted to get a picture of the sticker so I could post it. He was in front of us and the pictures didn't turn out well.
Anyway, thought I would share some good old Iowan stupidity today. :-)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
It's Final!
We finalized today! Yay!! Tee is ours forever and always. It was a really fun day with family and friends. The pictures to the left are of our lawyer, judge, and the yummy cake that we got in honor of the occasion. If you would like to see additional pictures of the day, I can email you the Picasa album for the day. We are so relieved that this process ended today. There isn't anything left lingering above our heads with this process. When I think about it, this has been a dream and goal since 2003. It has taken us this long to complete our family. Tee was worth the wait! I would recommend this endeavor to anyone willing to take it on. I hope more couples would think hard about adoption.
Tomorrow is a family day for us. I think we are going to go to the zoo. I hope you are all having a great week!
Friday, July 18, 2008
What a freaktastic week!
Okay, sorry I haven't updated in a week but here is how the week has progressed for me.
Monday- Fun day. We had the day off and went swimming, napped, etc. After calling the jury "hotline" they said that I needed to report for duty Tuesday morning.
Tuesday- (Day from hell) I showed up to my jury duty. Only Ali would have jury duty when they are starting a murder trial. There were 50 of us that showed up at 9. After the informational film.... describing the jury process and all the new friends we were going to meet, they got started. Out of 50 I was chosen to be in the top 34. It was awful. I was sweating it big time. After 3 hours of questions I luckily.... PRAISE THE LORD.... was excused. The trial is going to last 2 weeks. I have T's adoption court date on Tuesday so they let me go. Whew! After that I should've went home but I went to work at the fire station instead.
Wed, Thurs, Fri- I subbed PE class. WOW. I have a new appreciation for all elementary PE teachers. I am sore all over! I mean seriously, I haven't felt this much pain since Jeff and I took the trailer park pilates class taught by Petula Pilates herself. Now my hip is back out for the 3rd time this summer also. URG!
This weekend we are cleaning getting ready for company next week. We are also going to make a Costco run. I am excited to see Marcy's new house on Saturday night. We are bringing her a lot of baby stuff. Sunday is my dads' birthday. We are still working on those plans.
Well, happy Friday. I am finally in bed. I will have sweet dreams of my upcoming Hy-Vee weekend donut that Jamie will bring home tomorrow morning. Mmmmm,,,, chocolate icing with cream filling. What could be better on a Saturday morning?
Monday- Fun day. We had the day off and went swimming, napped, etc. After calling the jury "hotline" they said that I needed to report for duty Tuesday morning.
Tuesday- (Day from hell) I showed up to my jury duty. Only Ali would have jury duty when they are starting a murder trial. There were 50 of us that showed up at 9. After the informational film.... describing the jury process and all the new friends we were going to meet, they got started. Out of 50 I was chosen to be in the top 34. It was awful. I was sweating it big time. After 3 hours of questions I luckily.... PRAISE THE LORD.... was excused. The trial is going to last 2 weeks. I have T's adoption court date on Tuesday so they let me go. Whew! After that I should've went home but I went to work at the fire station instead.
Wed, Thurs, Fri- I subbed PE class. WOW. I have a new appreciation for all elementary PE teachers. I am sore all over! I mean seriously, I haven't felt this much pain since Jeff and I took the trailer park pilates class taught by Petula Pilates herself. Now my hip is back out for the 3rd time this summer also. URG!
This weekend we are cleaning getting ready for company next week. We are also going to make a Costco run. I am excited to see Marcy's new house on Saturday night. We are bringing her a lot of baby stuff. Sunday is my dads' birthday. We are still working on those plans.
Well, happy Friday. I am finally in bed. I will have sweet dreams of my upcoming Hy-Vee weekend donut that Jamie will bring home tomorrow morning. Mmmmm,,,, chocolate icing with cream filling. What could be better on a Saturday morning?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Pee-Pee in the Potty!!!!
Today my son went pee pee in the potty! Woohoo! Go Tee, go! We have started using the potty before bath time everyday. Tonight Jamie called me and told me the good news. (I am working a 24 at the fire station today.) I am so proud of him. We met at Hy-Vee to eat supper tonight. Tee made his Daddy proud by chowing down as usual on the buffet. Some days he eats like a trucker. We needed milk at home so after eating we traveled to the back of the store to pick up a gallon. All the way back he screamed "Hello!" at people and smiled and giggled the whole way. It was really cute, but it was borderline embarrassing. Gotta love my little man.
Today we got some other wonderful news. My friend Karen will be teaching again and we are in the same district. In fact, our buildings are in close proximity to each other. YAY!!! She will make a great addition to our teaching community.
Tomorrow is a big day too. My other friend Marcy is going in for an ultrasound to see if Aunt Ali is going to get a niece or a nephew. I can't wait. I am living vicariously through her with this pregnancy. I have the food cravings now, I just hope I don't get the labor pains in November. ;-) Marcy, make sure you tell your little one to uncross its legs tomorrow morning. I can't wait to find out!!!!! Teegan will either be getting a good buddy or a potential prom date. ;-)
If you are curious about our city's vote to get a new fire station.... it failed for the third time in 4 years. It was not a good day yesterday. I worked and everyone was down. The count was 57% No to 43% Yes. The phrase of the day was.... We are only doing 43% of the calls today or we are only going to respond 43% of the way and they will have to meet us. ;-) How crappy can our citizens be that they wouldn't want their public safety people to be safe? I feel like if they don't care about me, why should I care enough to get up in the middle of the night to go help them? I will still do it because that is the kind of person that I am. I will tell you it isn't going to be easy for a while.
What absolutely made my day today was a thank you note from a patient that I had yesterday. He wrote out this nice card and said that I was one of our town's finest citizens for helping him the way that I did. We also had a lady come up to us at lunch yesterday and apologized for the vote on behalf of the community and thanked us for all that we do. People like that make this job worth while. It just sucks when the community as a whole can't get behind us to give us a much needed building improvement. So, for those "NO" voters, you may think you'll never have a fire at your house or ever have a medical emergency, but when you do, we will be there because that is who we are... Ever-helping, ever-faithful, and ever-ready! Whether you appreciate it or not.
On a different note, I got the perm and am in the "you can't wash it for 2 days" phase. It sucks. I'm not sure I like it yet, but I haven't had a chance to wash and style it myself. I will make the call then and post a picture this weekend.
Well, I need to sign off and go take some Tylenol. Please....if you live here in town....don't fall tonight. I have already been picking up enough people off the floor this week. And Jeff.....Stay out of the bathtub tonight. (He knows what that means.) :-)
Today we got some other wonderful news. My friend Karen will be teaching again and we are in the same district. In fact, our buildings are in close proximity to each other. YAY!!! She will make a great addition to our teaching community.
Tomorrow is a big day too. My other friend Marcy is going in for an ultrasound to see if Aunt Ali is going to get a niece or a nephew. I can't wait. I am living vicariously through her with this pregnancy. I have the food cravings now, I just hope I don't get the labor pains in November. ;-) Marcy, make sure you tell your little one to uncross its legs tomorrow morning. I can't wait to find out!!!!! Teegan will either be getting a good buddy or a potential prom date. ;-)
If you are curious about our city's vote to get a new fire station.... it failed for the third time in 4 years. It was not a good day yesterday. I worked and everyone was down. The count was 57% No to 43% Yes. The phrase of the day was.... We are only doing 43% of the calls today or we are only going to respond 43% of the way and they will have to meet us. ;-) How crappy can our citizens be that they wouldn't want their public safety people to be safe? I feel like if they don't care about me, why should I care enough to get up in the middle of the night to go help them? I will still do it because that is the kind of person that I am. I will tell you it isn't going to be easy for a while.
What absolutely made my day today was a thank you note from a patient that I had yesterday. He wrote out this nice card and said that I was one of our town's finest citizens for helping him the way that I did. We also had a lady come up to us at lunch yesterday and apologized for the vote on behalf of the community and thanked us for all that we do. People like that make this job worth while. It just sucks when the community as a whole can't get behind us to give us a much needed building improvement. So, for those "NO" voters, you may think you'll never have a fire at your house or ever have a medical emergency, but when you do, we will be there because that is who we are... Ever-helping, ever-faithful, and ever-ready! Whether you appreciate it or not.
On a different note, I got the perm and am in the "you can't wash it for 2 days" phase. It sucks. I'm not sure I like it yet, but I haven't had a chance to wash and style it myself. I will make the call then and post a picture this weekend.
Well, I need to sign off and go take some Tylenol. Please....if you live here in town....don't fall tonight. I have already been picking up enough people off the floor this week. And Jeff.....Stay out of the bathtub tonight. (He knows what that means.) :-)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Manic Monday
Okay, WHAT a day. I worked fire today and we had a 3 doozies for calls.... I've fallen, I'm dead, and I'm choking. I feel like this is the first time that I have sat down all day. I am reclining on my Tempurpedic bed, watching my DVR programming. It is raining so hard that we don't have satellite at the moment. Tee is sleeping. He actually fell asleep on the way home from Subway at 6. Mondays always tucker him out due to daycare excitement.
Okay, I have been insulted three times today and have to vent about it for a second. First, on our I've fallen and I can't get up run they looked at me and said... "Oh, they sent a skinny one." Yeah, I can't lift a lot but I can try. Basically it was like....she is too weak to get me up. Then, while at the hospital a paramedic came out and greeted us and said, "Hey gentlemen how are you?" He realized after he said it that I was a girl. Okay, now I must look manly or something. THEN, my FAVORITE of the day, the medical examiner, who I haven't seen in over a year and a half greets me with, " It's so good to see you! I haven't seen you since you were pregnant. How old is your little one now?" ?!WHAT!? I told him that I haven't ever been pregnant and that we adopted. He felt really embarrassed. Seriously, that is how my day has gone. I am so glad to be home with a child who is sleeping, dogs who have been outside and fed for the evening, and my laptop. You have no idea.
Tomorrow is a free day!! YAY!!!!!
Okay, I have been insulted three times today and have to vent about it for a second. First, on our I've fallen and I can't get up run they looked at me and said... "Oh, they sent a skinny one." Yeah, I can't lift a lot but I can try. Basically it was like....she is too weak to get me up. Then, while at the hospital a paramedic came out and greeted us and said, "Hey gentlemen how are you?" He realized after he said it that I was a girl. Okay, now I must look manly or something. THEN, my FAVORITE of the day, the medical examiner, who I haven't seen in over a year and a half greets me with, " It's so good to see you! I haven't seen you since you were pregnant. How old is your little one now?" ?!WHAT!? I told him that I haven't ever been pregnant and that we adopted. He felt really embarrassed. Seriously, that is how my day has gone. I am so glad to be home with a child who is sleeping, dogs who have been outside and fed for the evening, and my laptop. You have no idea.
Tomorrow is a free day!! YAY!!!!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Movie Night

Today we did a lot of shopping. We hit all the favorite Sauter spots: Jordan Creek Mall, Old Navy, Best Buy, Costco, and Target. We stocked up on essentials. We got a new wireless router, an outfit for Teegan's pictures tomorrow, diapers (potty-training can't come soon enough), new blow dryer for my future hairstyle coming on Tuesday, water, gatorade, toothbrushes, and more. Oh, and we got more "forever" stamps at Costco. The USPS frustrated me when they raised the postage rate again. So much for that "forever stamp!" I told Jamie we should save a pack of them and use them in 10 years just to spite them.
At Best Buy we got a new DVD that was on the major cheap rack. It is Smokey and the Bandit 1-2-3. We got all three movies on the same disc. So that is what we are doing now, watching part one. Jackie Gleason was just on and said this line: "Don't go home, don't go to eat, and don't play with yourself. It wouldn't look nice on the highway. You can think about it, but don't do it." Watching this movie on cable TV doesn't do it justice. It is way better uncensored. I can't believe I was allowed to watch this movie as a little kid!
Have a good Sunday. One more day of the holiday weekend until back to normal on Monday. I work IFD most of the week. Jamie will be putting in quite a few hours too. Tomorrow Tee gets his 18 month pictures taken. I will post them as soon as possible. We are debating on an outfit right now. I got two things today on major clearance that I like.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Holiday Weekend

God bless America! We have had a child for 1 year now!! Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of our referral call. A year ago today we sat ever so anxious awaiting our envelope that would arrive on the 5th due to the holiday. Tomorrow will be the day that we saw his picture and read his file for the first time, making the decision to accept the referral. Wow, it has been such a wonderful year.
Tonight my parents came over and we had dinner. I grilled out. Then we went on a walk. Tee got a USA cupcake with a sparkler in it for dessert. He was impressed. He went from the highchair to the bathtub however.
Well, have a great weekend. I am going to move my saltwater fish tank tomorrow. YAY!!! Can you sense my sarcasm? It is the last thing that I have to move into my new room. Speaking of my new room, I worked in it for 2 hours today. It is taking shape. As I sit in it and think about things, I realized today that this could be my classroom for many years to come. I want to make sure I have everything just right so I don't have to move again.
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