Blah... it's Sunday. Jamie's at work and Tee is in rare form. He has been up since 4 a.m. I'm not sure what his deal is but this isn't the first night it has happened over the past week. I can put him in his crib and he just plays or cries. I just want him to sleep. He has to be tired. I know I am. So, we are here until tomorrow morning all by ourselves. Woohoo. I guess I will try and find something to occupy my boredom. Organizing the garage and or kitchen is high on my list. Our bedroom needs major attention as well. If the wee one would fall asleep I would feel more comfortable going down and starting those projects. Time will tell.
This week I will be working at the school entering data for our new information management system. That will be fun. Jamie is going to stay home with Tee so I can work. I hope he has fun with that. For so long it has been the other way around. Now he gets the chance to relax and bond with Tee. Since there is less than 3 weeks until I report back to work, I have a lot to get done in my own classroom as well. Jamie and Tee will have many days in the future where they will have to be pals.
Well, have a happy Sunday. I will post later about my progress. The day after we finalized our adoption the whole family went to the zoo. We also went to Build-A-Bear to make a new bear. Here are some pics of our day. Speaking of the zoo trip I found the stupidest person living in our area the other day.
Okay picture it.... we are driving around the zoo parking lot looking for a space to part. In the row with the open spot we see a big, black GMC Denali with tricked out rims and the whole nine yards. They have a saying imprinted on the back window. It said, and I kid you not...
"Enjoying high gas prices...... Thank an environmentalist!"
Excuse me? What? I was dumbfounded. I understand that drilling four our own oil would help, but it is not going to solve a thing when you have millions of idiots like this guy driving vehicles that waste gas! I am absolutely amazed at this jerk. Here he is driving this huge SUV, with plates stating that he lives in the metro area, and he has the idea that it is an environmentalist's fault. Okay dip-stick, which name I feel is being nice, how is it their fault when you drive a gas guzzling machine just to look good? Man some people are stupid. I guess if you have the money to drive such a tricked out machine you have the money to pay for the gas! Quit complaining!!!!!
After we started leaving that person did as well. I wanted to get a picture of the sticker so I could post it. He was in front of us and the pictures didn't turn out well.
Anyway, thought I would share some good old Iowan stupidity today. :-)
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