I love fall.... HATE winter... but love fall. The past few days have been chilly too! Pretty soon all of the pretty leaves will be lawn mulch. ;-(
Tee has been sick this week. Fevers, vomiting, feet peeling, yeah its been a fun week. Jamie and I are praying not to get it and taking our vitamins. Hopefully we can make it west this weekend but no promises.
You may have noticed that I added two new videos. One is for my Jamie. This is his new hero and mentor in his work world. The second video describes my work world. I have had to listen to many cat stories this week. Jamie and I about pissed ourselves when we found this video. Please, by all means, ENJOY!
I hope you have a good weekend.
OMG is all I can say. Caryle hasn't seen her sister in ages and is shocked to discover she was on your blog. Thanks for reuniting the family.
Glad I could help! ;-)
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