Thursday, April 24, 2008

Headaches Suck.

Yesterday Jamie had a headache. Today it has passed to me through osmosis or something. I know it has to be the weather change, allergies, damn contact lenses, etc. I have taken Tylenol Sinus, Zyrtec, and hope to peel the plastic off of my eyeballs here momentarily. I wish that Lasik surgery was cheaper. I would have it in a heartbeat to correct my vision!!!! 

6 of my kids were gone again today. I think I passed them the plague of spring break '08. They have fevers, coughing, vomiting, an such. I only had 13 kids the other day in class. the other 9 were out with strep, bronchitis, or whatever the spring break plague is. 

Well, I need to go have "Art Time" with my son. He is at his art table whining. Now he is bringing me a crayon. Gotta go. 


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