Friday, April 25, 2008

Oh, to be a toddler again....

I wish I were a toddler again. To be carefree. To have all your needs taken care of. To not have to go to work everyday. TO HAVE NO INSIDE VOICE OR INNER MONOLOGUE! Man, wouldn't that be nice. I would only want to go back for a few days though. ;-) Yesterday we took Tee on a Target and Costco run. He was soooooo loud. We are teaching him Shhhhhhh and he is picking it up nicely. However, he will shhhhhhh and then scream-babble right afterward. 

Well it is wedding weekend! I have two to attend tomorrow although I am only going to one. Jamie is the best man in the first one. He has to wear a black tux with a pink vest and tie. I will be taking LOTS of pictures. Jamie is not a pink fan. Must be the macho fireman in him. The second one is here in town. I am going with friends since Jamie will still be at the other wedding. We will all meet up at the reception. 

 I need to go have  a cup of ambition to get all the toys picked up, the house cleaned, the dog chores completed, and get these wedding gifts wrapped. Later Gators. 

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