Saturday, June 28, 2008

Back to the Blog

Hello, I'm back. Vacation in Chicago was fabulous. Tee got to see his first Cubs game. They lost horribly, but he got the Wrigley experience. By the way, taking a toddler on vacation is exhausting. The only things we managed to do in the two days was make it to a mall and Wrigley Field. I wanted to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo and eat at the Rainforest. We were too tired to get it done. Our hope is for next year. By then we are hoping that Tee has a little more "Stranger Danger" mentality. He talked to everyone on the subway and wanted to touch them as well. SInce we were all shoulder to shoulder riding the train is was hard keeping him contained. At one point he was touching this really scary looking guy who looked like he had meth on his mind. The guy was nice about it, but it was a little nerve racking. When we got off the train the first thing I did was wipe his hands down with an germX wipe. Call me a germaphobe if you will, but you didn't see the guy. Teegan spent 20 minutes giving him high-fives and fist bumps.

I have computer training this week for work. I am pumped! We are doing a system data conversion with our main software program. That will take up three days this week. Then I work the FD Thursday which is funny. Last year on the 3rd I worked IFD and got a call from our social worker telling us we had a son! We are getting his pictures taken Sunday to commemorate the anniversary of referral. We also have a court date this month to finalize! Everything is set in place for him to be legally ours. So much stuff going on this month.

If you are in the market for a new mobile device to keep track of your contacts, music, photos, etc. I strongly recommend getting an iPod Touch. It is fantastic! It also has wifi and you can surf the net, check emails, look up Google Maps, stocks, and weather. I am very pleased with it.... a fantastic value. It is basically the iPhone without the crappy cell phone service and a monster cellphone bill. You don't need a smartphone if you have one of these.

Have a great weekend!

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