Sunday, August 17, 2008

Angels Sent From Above

Don't know if any of you have caught this on the news or not but there was a NYC traffic officer who got hit at a busy intersection a few days ago. She ended up getting trapped underneath a school bus. She was 7 months pregnant. A bunch of onlookers came to her aid. 20 of them lifted the bus off of her so she could be rushed to the hospital. She died due the accident but the doctors were able to save her two month premature baby.

The man who caused the accident had his license suspended several times and was driving that day without one. They have arrested him and charged him with homicide.

This story really moved me today. For all the crap that is going on in the world there are still people who know how to do the right thing. My hat goes off to all those good samaritans who saved that baby's life. I feel sad for that officer and her family, but at least they still have a piece of her left here on earth. I am sure that it was no small miracle sent from above. That little boy has angels watching him!

The link for the CNN video is to the right on top of the column. Please watch it. You will be moved. Also, please pray for that little baby and for his family as they deal with two of the strongest human emotions simultaneously.... Death and Birth.

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A Video Clip Worth A Look